lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

The awaited holidays. Oh! Holidays!

Well, the holidays are great, my favorite time of the year. I prefer the winter holidays as this heatis not really my thing.
When he was a small and innocent girl living in Puerto Montt and spent my vacation in Santiago,came to the House of my grandmother, I liked enough, we were going to Fantasilandia, eating potato chips. Santiago was exciting when I was a child, now that I live here now is not.

When we are not coming to Santiago, we (My Family and I) were going to different places for the day, the volcano Osorno, the volcano Calbuco, to the beach in Puerto Varas or Chinquihue. We were going too to eat to Frutillar or visited Chiloe. Also we visited the custom party of different village close to Puerto Montt. It was of the most beautiful to live in Puerto Montt.
This Holiday I think it will study. Oh! As entertaining outlook.

A friend invited me to La Serena, it is something that causes his illusion, I do not know a lot of north and so many people say that La Serena is beautiful. I would like to go enough. Everything depends on my finance.
I have an aunt who also invited me to spend a week with her in Pucón. I hope she does not change her idea.
In February I am of birthday. 22 year, I'm so old!, So I guess I'll make a small celebration with my friends and my Family.

My dream vacation would do a tour for all the ruins of the native peoples of America, I would like to walk all the pyramids and the relevant places soak me the history of the pre-Columbian Latin America. I do not think to do that in these holidays, but someday may my dream is fulfilled. After knowing well my land could make any trip to United Kingdom, Greece, Rome, Romania and see what things have for my.

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

My Favorite website

It is difficult enough to decide who is my favorite website but I believe that I will choose FanFiction.
I knew this page it does already approximately 6 or 7 years. I like to see series, to read books and manga, also I read very much and it happens that sometimes there are ended the things that I see or read and get into these page and read what calls fanfic, these are histories created by the users of the webpage taking prominent figures of books or series and developing a parallel history with these prominent figures, the fanfic can follow the original history and her continue or create an alternate universe to the original history that is practically a completely new history with the personality and names of the original prominent figures.
I use this website to read the fanfic and also I write fanfic and raise them to this page.
Recently I use her more to publish what I write but with the university I do not have time to write, so, I have not used this wepage much.
In this website every user has his account and a profile where it can write what wants brings over of one itself, in this profile also there appear the histories and favorite authors of the person and the histories that this one has created.
Also it is possible to have a beta reader that is a person who corrects the mistakes of continuity and orthographic of the users who like that want it, can give you also ideas to continue the history. I do not have thread reader, I am upset with it get with my things.
You can read in this website fan fic about anime/manga, books, cartoons, comics, games, misc, movies, plays/musicals and tv shows.
Well, that's all. We see in the next post. =)

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012


I like the animals, I've always liked them.When I were young I  took home the puppies found abandoned on the streets and looking them home. 
My favorite activitis when I were young was hug sheep and chase chicken.
When I were child I  thought study astronomy, odontology and, my favorite, forensic medicine. I were a weird child.  
One day in Highschool, I went to vocational fair and saw a stand from medicine veterinay at the university Austral  and I thought "This is my future, I belongs to here". But my parentsdid not love this career as much as I. 
Anyway I did get in Usach, after I abandoned Usach for study veterinay but the university austral it's in Valdivia and all my friends are in Santiago, so I did get in the University of Chile.
I love veterinay, I enjoy every day here. I not like very much some subject, but broadly speaking I love it.

In the future I'm thinking of to follow the area of surgery or obstretrics. I think is lovely help animal to give birth but I do not want to work in animal production. I have think abotu this, maybe, maybe not.
I would like to dedicate to the conservation of wildlife too, I suppose it's my ideal.

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011


I am very proud of my  Latin American heritage, for this the country I want to travel is a Latin american country.
I want to travel to México. I believe this country is fascinating. This country have everything, beautiful beach, active night live, a rich culture, amazing heritage.
In this country, I would like visit the Aztec pyramid and the Mayan pyramid. I would like visit too the zone of the flowery war.
I wouls like travel around this country astonishme whit this culture and beautiful landscape.
If I have the opportunity, I would like study the civilization pre-columbian or live one year in the beach whit nothing to do apart from  have a rest, drinking tequila and enjoing my life. In Cancún for example.

Probably when I be millionaire.

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

My favorite animal.

Is very difficult to me choose a favority animal, I love any animal on principle but por loyalty to my pet I choose the Hedgehogs.
The hedgehogs are a ball of spine, such nails are distributed dorsally and come from the deepest greasy cape under their skin They have a black pointy nose and constantly moving. Its snout is long and when they are not made ​​ball can touch her ​​soft belly. They are nocturnal, have big black eyes for see in the darkness.They are insectivore and eat too little bird, fruits, eggs, dry seeds.You can feed hedgehogs in captivity with baby cat food, mixed with fruits, chicken, turkey, eggs or any insect.

Hedgehogs are very active, they love climbing, running and getting over anything they see

I love this animal because is so irritable and unfriendly. They have a prickly personality, especially mine hedgehogs but I love him every way.

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

My life

I was born a sunny february day in Puerto Montt city. My child was very happy in Puerto Montt. At elementary school I studied at Deutsche Shüle and later at Inmaculada Concepción.
I moved to Santiago at 12 years old, whit my aunt and my Godfather. First I lived in Maipu for two year, later y moved to La florida when y currently reside whitn my mom, my brothers and my grandma.
I passed for many school in Santiago and ended my education in Santa Maria's high school. In 2006 died my godfather and I was very sad for a long time, I love him very much, I miss her every day..
I studied bachiller study in spanish at USACH for two yers, and I hated them.
Now I study Medicine veterinay at university of chile how I always desired.

I have two brother and one sister, one mom and one dad. Jaime, my big brother, have 23 years old, he live in Concepcion, for than I don't see very much.
My other brother is Jorge, he is must yonger as I, he have 12 years old and he is very tall. My little sister have 14 years old, Her name is Isidora, She is so spongy.

The things I love in this live are play Kung-fu and study veterinary.
I enjoy play taca taca with my friend in the university and spend time with my family and friends.
The love of my live is Bandit, my hedhogs, he is the best pet of the entire word.

And this is everything. Thanks for read and forgive the writing.