viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011


I am very proud of my  Latin American heritage, for this the country I want to travel is a Latin american country.
I want to travel to México. I believe this country is fascinating. This country have everything, beautiful beach, active night live, a rich culture, amazing heritage.
In this country, I would like visit the Aztec pyramid and the Mayan pyramid. I would like visit too the zone of the flowery war.
I wouls like travel around this country astonishme whit this culture and beautiful landscape.
If I have the opportunity, I would like study the civilization pre-columbian or live one year in the beach whit nothing to do apart from  have a rest, drinking tequila and enjoing my life. In Cancún for example.

Probably when I be millionaire.

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

My favorite animal.

Is very difficult to me choose a favority animal, I love any animal on principle but por loyalty to my pet I choose the Hedgehogs.
The hedgehogs are a ball of spine, such nails are distributed dorsally and come from the deepest greasy cape under their skin They have a black pointy nose and constantly moving. Its snout is long and when they are not made ​​ball can touch her ​​soft belly. They are nocturnal, have big black eyes for see in the darkness.They are insectivore and eat too little bird, fruits, eggs, dry seeds.You can feed hedgehogs in captivity with baby cat food, mixed with fruits, chicken, turkey, eggs or any insect.

Hedgehogs are very active, they love climbing, running and getting over anything they see

I love this animal because is so irritable and unfriendly. They have a prickly personality, especially mine hedgehogs but I love him every way.

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

My life

I was born a sunny february day in Puerto Montt city. My child was very happy in Puerto Montt. At elementary school I studied at Deutsche Shüle and later at Inmaculada Concepción.
I moved to Santiago at 12 years old, whit my aunt and my Godfather. First I lived in Maipu for two year, later y moved to La florida when y currently reside whitn my mom, my brothers and my grandma.
I passed for many school in Santiago and ended my education in Santa Maria's high school. In 2006 died my godfather and I was very sad for a long time, I love him very much, I miss her every day..
I studied bachiller study in spanish at USACH for two yers, and I hated them.
Now I study Medicine veterinay at university of chile how I always desired.

I have two brother and one sister, one mom and one dad. Jaime, my big brother, have 23 years old, he live in Concepcion, for than I don't see very much.
My other brother is Jorge, he is must yonger as I, he have 12 years old and he is very tall. My little sister have 14 years old, Her name is Isidora, She is so spongy.

The things I love in this live are play Kung-fu and study veterinary.
I enjoy play taca taca with my friend in the university and spend time with my family and friends.
The love of my live is Bandit, my hedhogs, he is the best pet of the entire word.

And this is everything. Thanks for read and forgive the writing.