When he was a small and innocent girl living in Puerto Montt and spent my vacation in Santiago,came to the House of my grandmother, I liked enough, we were going to Fantasilandia, eating potato chips. Santiago was exciting when I was a child, now that I live here now is not.
When we are not coming to Santiago, we (My Family and I) were going to different places for the day, the volcano Osorno, the volcano Calbuco, to the beach in Puerto Varas or Chinquihue. We were going too to eat to Frutillar or visited Chiloe. Also we visited the custom party of different village close to Puerto Montt. It was of the most beautiful to live in Puerto Montt.
This Holiday I think it will study. Oh! As entertaining outlook.
A friend invited me to La Serena, it is something that causes his illusion, I do not know a lot of north and so many people say that La Serena is beautiful. I would like to go enough. Everything depends on my finance.
I have an aunt who also invited me to spend a week with her in Pucón. I hope she does not change her idea.
In February I am of birthday. 22 year, I'm so old!, So I guess I'll make a small celebration with my friends and my Family.
My dream vacation would do a tour for all the ruins of the native peoples of America, I would like to walk all the pyramids and the relevant places soak me the history of the pre-Columbian Latin America. I do not think to do that in these holidays, but someday may my dream is fulfilled. After knowing well my land could make any trip to United Kingdom, Greece, Rome, Romania and see what things have for my.